Monday, October 1, 2012

First Day of School - History

      As I walk in to class the room came to a silence. Did my make-up smudge? Did I have something on my shirt? I walked up to Cody and asked "Is there something wrong?"
     "Kinda... it's just that Elliot said he might ask you out." What!?!? Is this real? I can't believe what I heard. I had to tell Laura Lee right this instance!! OH MEH GAWD where is she?
     "Oh thank the lord you are finally here!" I whisper yelled "Elliot said he might ask me out!!" I am freaking out right now and I need to call 911 because I think I'm going to die.
     "Class settle down," said Mr. Cam " you can choose your own seats in this class." I rushed over to the seat behind Cody and in between Laura Lee and Elliot. As I turn my head I see him writing a note and this might be it. The note that changes my life forever, dating the most popular guy in all of Augustus Academy.
     "Hey, Chris," said Elliot as he handed me a note.

The note said after several passing of back and forth between Elliot and I:
Do you wanna go out
Um.. is this true..?
Then sure!
Great we will talk after class or at lunch
See you then!!<3

First Day of School - Calculus

       Hey everybody I decided to create a blog about my life. Well first things first, my name is Chris (yes I'm a girl and Chris is short for Christina) and I'm a Junior in  high school. My two best friends are Laura Lee and Cody.  They are the best people you will ever meet. The reason I started this blog all started in 1st period Calculus and I sit next to the cutest guy in all of Augustus Academy.
      "What's up Chris?" asked Elliot. 
      "Nothing much, thanks for asking," I replied. OMG he is so cute. Elliot has perfect skin and beautiful eyes that change from brown to blue. He has flippy chocolate brown hair and an amazing footballer. Why can't all boys be as cute as him? 
      "Stop staring," Cody whispered in my ear. 
      I just realized I had been staring right at Elliot for the first half of class. I hope he notices me. I tried really hard this morning to look my best and have the most perfect outfit EVER! Which I am! The bell rang and I sprinted straight to Laura Lee!
     "Wow you look great!" said Laura in her sweet voice. I do look great in my hot pink high-low skirt and an old Nirvana crop top tee. I have strappy wedges and boho bold jewelry. For make-up... well I have a simple nude eyeshadow and professional looking winged eyeliner.
     "So do you!" I simply replied. 


         Okay so this blog is based on the blog created by my best friend Lindsay, who is also he co-owner of The Door 2 Fashion. This story is about Chris Summers. She is a fashionista at Augustus Academy, a preppy rich kid private school. She loves to wear clothes like crop tops, high waist shorts, and her father's old concert tees. Her dream gut has brown hair and has a preppy fashion style. Chris has long blonde hair and she keeps it in perfect ringlets. She has bright blue eyes and rarely wears make-up, except for mascara and lip gloss. Her best friend Laura Lee Reid has brunette hair 3 inches below her shoulders. Laura Lee has hazel eyes and perfect skin and teeth just like Chris. You can't consider Laura Lee to be a beta and Chris and alpha because they do not rule the school but they are super popular with the boys. Their best guy friend is Cody Hartley and he is about 5'10 and has gorgeous blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He has an amazing fashion sense just like Chris's brother ,Will, all Southern Tide, Vineyard Vines, and Polo. So we are going to start on Chris, Laura Lee, and Cody's first day of school.