Monday, October 1, 2012

First Day of School - Calculus

       Hey everybody I decided to create a blog about my life. Well first things first, my name is Chris (yes I'm a girl and Chris is short for Christina) and I'm a Junior in  high school. My two best friends are Laura Lee and Cody.  They are the best people you will ever meet. The reason I started this blog all started in 1st period Calculus and I sit next to the cutest guy in all of Augustus Academy.
      "What's up Chris?" asked Elliot. 
      "Nothing much, thanks for asking," I replied. OMG he is so cute. Elliot has perfect skin and beautiful eyes that change from brown to blue. He has flippy chocolate brown hair and an amazing footballer. Why can't all boys be as cute as him? 
      "Stop staring," Cody whispered in my ear. 
      I just realized I had been staring right at Elliot for the first half of class. I hope he notices me. I tried really hard this morning to look my best and have the most perfect outfit EVER! Which I am! The bell rang and I sprinted straight to Laura Lee!
     "Wow you look great!" said Laura in her sweet voice. I do look great in my hot pink high-low skirt and an old Nirvana crop top tee. I have strappy wedges and boho bold jewelry. For make-up... well I have a simple nude eyeshadow and professional looking winged eyeliner.
     "So do you!" I simply replied. 

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